Introduction to Political Communication Skip to Videos All | Week 1 - Democracy, Information & Media | Week 2 - Public Opinion & Cognitive Processes | Week 3 - Campaigns, Debates & Social Media | Week 4 - The Crisis of the Public Sphere | Week 5 - Populism, Disinformation & Media Systems | Week 6 - Informational Warfare | Week 1 - Democracy, Information & Media, Lecture 1 - Course Logistics & Introduction Week 1 - Democracy, Information & Media, Lecture 2 - Public Opinion & Deliberative Democracy Week 1 - Democracy, Information & Media, Lecture 3 - History of Political Communication Week 1 - Democracy, Information & Media, Lecture 4 - Media Effects (part 1) Week 2 - Public Opinion & Cognitive Processes, Lecture 5 - Media Effects (Part 2) Week 2 - Public Opinion & Cognitive Processes, Lecture 6 - The Sources of Attitudes Week 2 - Public Opinion & Cognitive Processes, Lecture 7 - Motivated Reasoning Week 2 - Public Opinion & Cognitive Processes, Lecture 8 - Political Psychology & Personality Week 3 - Campaigns, Debates & Social Media, Lecture 9 - Campaign Communication (Part 1) - Campaign Rhetoric Week 3 - Campaigns, Debates & Social Media, Lecture 10 - Campaign Communication (Part 2) - The Great Debates Week 3 - Campaigns, Debates & Social Media, Lecture 11 - Social Media & Presidential Campaigns Week 4 - The Crisis of the Public Sphere, Lecture 12 - Crisis of the Public Sphere (Part 1) - Polarization & Selective Exposure Week 4 - The Crisis of the Public Sphere, Lecture 13 - Crisis of the Public Sphere (Part 2) - Trust & Conspiracy Theories Week 4 - The Crisis of the Public Sphere, Lecture 14/15 - Crisis of the Public Sphere (Part 3) - Online Violence, Hate Speech & Cyberbullying Week 5 - Populism, Disinformation & Media Systems, Lecture 16 - Definitions of Populism Week 5 - Populism, Disinformation & Media Systems, Lecture 17 - Explaining Support for Populism Week 5 - Populism, Disinformation & Media Systems, Lecture 18 - Populism and Disinformation Week 5 - Populism, Disinformation & Media Systems, Lecture 19 - Media Systems, Partisan Propaganda & News Quality Week 6 - Informational Warfare, Lecture 20 - Disinformation & International Relations